Post by account_disabled on Mar 9, 2024 2:26:05 GMT -5
In view of the diverse family composition, some types of families are classified : Nuclear family: This conventional family, also called bi-parental , is made up of mother, father and children. Single parent family: In this case, only one of the parents is in charge of the family unit, who usually integrate the children's grandparents into their support network. Adoptive family: This is where the people, couples or groups who adopt and make this new member part of the family are part of it, fulfilling the role of guide, companion or educator. Family without children: A few years ago those who did not have children were not considered family, now family is not their presence or absence.
This trend began a couple of decades ago in Europe and according to the National Administrative Department of Statistics – DANE , in Colombia between 2005 and 2018, households showed an increase of 35 percent in the same period, with single-person households and couples being Dinks. , acronym in English for 'double income / no kids, which represent the increasing trend. This category prioritizes that your income be focused on tastes and needs, instead of USA Phone Number contemplating the responsibilities that children would generate. Family of separated parents: When a couple with children separates, they must continue to fulfill their duties as parents; they share functions even if they live in different places. Composed family: Characterized by being composed of several nuclear families.
For example, like when the mother separates from the father and lives with another person, who turns out to be the “stepfather” of the children, but those children also have the possibility of living with the family of their father and “stepmother”, together with their step-siblings or half-siblings. Homoparental family: Made up of same-sex couples who adopt children. Two moms or two dads. Extended family: In this type of family, the raising of children is the responsibility of different relatives or those who live in the same house.
This trend began a couple of decades ago in Europe and according to the National Administrative Department of Statistics – DANE , in Colombia between 2005 and 2018, households showed an increase of 35 percent in the same period, with single-person households and couples being Dinks. , acronym in English for 'double income / no kids, which represent the increasing trend. This category prioritizes that your income be focused on tastes and needs, instead of USA Phone Number contemplating the responsibilities that children would generate. Family of separated parents: When a couple with children separates, they must continue to fulfill their duties as parents; they share functions even if they live in different places. Composed family: Characterized by being composed of several nuclear families.
For example, like when the mother separates from the father and lives with another person, who turns out to be the “stepfather” of the children, but those children also have the possibility of living with the family of their father and “stepmother”, together with their step-siblings or half-siblings. Homoparental family: Made up of same-sex couples who adopt children. Two moms or two dads. Extended family: In this type of family, the raising of children is the responsibility of different relatives or those who live in the same house.